Financial Accountability and Governmental Spending
"California’s K-12 Spending Challenge: Just the Facts, Ma’am"
By Carl Brodt, Fox and Hounds, November 5, 2012
California’s K-12 per student spending fell 16% in real terms from the pre-recession peak in FY 2007-08 to FY 2011-12—a drop which rippled down into cutbacks affecting classroom staffing and student services. This trend toward significantly lower K-12 per student spending will not continue into this fiscal year even if voters reject Proposition 30's and 38's tax increases designed to restore some of the spending... (34 kb)
By Lance T. Izumi, Orange County Register, October 30, 2012
As Gov. Jerry Brown scurries around the state to save Proposition 30, his ballot measure to increase state sales and income taxes, voters are expressing skepticism that the tax revenues raised by the initiative will be spent wisely. They have reason to worry because Prop. 30 includes no reform of wasteful, inefficient and ineffective government programs, policies or practices.... (34 kb)
"Improving public schools depends more on reform than money"
By Carl Brodt and Alan Bonsteel,Los Angeles Daily News, October 27, 2012
California‘s November ballot has two measures - the Brown Initiative, Proposition 30, and the Munger Initiative, Proposition 38 - with the same concept: Raising taxes for our public schools to compensate for the cutbacks during the recession. But the real question is "Why are there no school reform issues on the ballot?"... (35 kb)
"The Reality of School District Spending"
by Alan Bonsteel, MD, redefinED, November 9, 2011
In the last decade, the school choice movement has succeeded in the unmasking of falsifications of dropout rates by school districts and the loss of almost one-third of our children before graduating from high school. The contrast with the far lower dropout rates in schools of choice is now the most powerful weapon in the armory of the school choice movement. However, there remains another falsification that is also crucially important to the school choice battle, and that is the phony per-student spending rates that districts release.
"California Focus: Spending more, getting less"
By Alan Bonsteel, Orange County Register, August 29, 2007
The 51-day-late state budget signed Aug. 24 by Gov. Schwarzenegger appropriates a record $11,584 per student in grades K-12. (7.99 kb)
"Dropout stats not only phony ones Ignore the propaganda: Per-student state education funding at all-time high" By Alan Bonsteel, Orange County Register, May 27, 2005
In April, the Harvard Integration Project blasted the California Department of Education's falsification of our high school graduation rates, a report that was on the front pages of almost all of our largest daily newspapers..
(15.4 kb)
"'Cutbacks' aren't schools' problem"
By Alan Bonsteel and Carl Brodt Los Angeles Daily News, May 8, 2004
It's hard to pick up a newspaper these days without reading stories about cutbacks in our public schools. Almost everywhere, art and music, sports, counselors and librarians are being slashed. In four years, the number of the state's 1,056 districts in danger of defaulting on their bills has almost quadrupled, from 15 to 57.
(12 kb)
"Schools a swamp of waste"
By Carl Brodt,CMA, and Alan Bonsteel,MD Orange County Register, January 16, 2004
On March 2, Californians will vote on a $15 billion bond measure put on the ballot
in a deal cut between Gov. Schwarzenegger and the Legislature. Even if the
bond measure passes, we'll still need to find billions and billions in spending cuts
or new taxes to paper over California's massive deficit.
(190 kb)
"School spending: honesty, please"
Alan Bonsteel Orange County Register, August 6, 2003
At long last, the Legislature has reacted to the worst
fiscal crisis in the state's history by passing a desperation
budget. It is full of accounting tricks, but allows us to
stagger into the next fiscal year. Newspapers throughout
the state have reported the latest K-12 per student spending
figure, alleged to be $6,887. (104 kb)
"State Budget Favors Schools, Spending on students
near record high, yet scores remain dismal "
Alan Bonsteel and Peter Hanley Los Angeles Daily
News, September 20, 2002
On Sept. 5, Gov. Gray Davis signed the state's new budget,
a mere two months late. A record $24 billion tax shortfall
caused by the meltdown of the high-technology stock-market
bubble forced draconian cuts almost everywhere, but K-12
education remained almost untouchable. (140 kb)
Alan Bonsteel, M.D. and Peter Hanley June 25, 2002
The ongoing budget crisis, with a record $24 billion
shortfall in revenues, is leading to an unprecedented showdown
around the July 1 constitutional deadline. Draconian cuts
will be made almost everywhere, but one area remains untouchable:
K-12 education. Because of 1988's Proposition 98, which
enacted minimum levels for funding of our public schools,
and California's belief that education is critical for the
future, K-12 funding will remain at near-record levels.
(192 kb)
"Where Does the Money Go?"
By Hon. Cliff Stearns (R-FL), Congressional Record, May 8, 2001
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the Speaker’s announced policy of January 3, 2001, the gentleman from Florida
(Mr. STEARNS) is recognized during
morning hour debates for 5 minutes. (204 kb)
"A New Study of Public Education Spending in California"
By Hon. Cliff Stearns (R-FL), House of Representatives, May 8, 2001
Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this morning I wish to address the necessity for this House to balance its priorities and to begin to move forward its legislative agenda.
"Where Does All the Money Go?"
By Robert Holland, The School Reform News, January 1, 2001
In the wake of defeats for statewide voucher initiatives in California and Michigan, the president of the nation’s largest teachers union was quick to draw the lesson that Americans want even more money pumped into the existing structure of public education.
Where is all the money going? Bureaucracy and Overhead in California's
Public Schools
Alan Bonsteel, M.D and Carl Brodt, CMA, November 1, 2000
Per student funding in America's public schools increased
by 96% in constant, inflation-adjusted dollars between 1970
and 1990. (250 kb)
"Quality Gap"
by Carl Brodt California Political Review, May/June
California's per pupil education spending must be increased
to the national average of state education spending so
say Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin
and other politicians, implying that failure to do so will
prove Californians are less committed to education than
taxpayers in other states. (123 kb)
"California schools believe their own lies"
by Alan Bonsteel and Carl Brodt Los Angeles Daily News,
March 14, 2000
No excuse for the meltdown of California's public
schools has been flogged more enthusiastically by
the public school establishment than the
alleged lack of money. (112 kb)
"None Dare Call It Hooey"
by Lance T. Izumi, J.D. Capital Ideas, February, 15, 2000
Since 1994, I have been delivering a regular monthly radio commentary for KQED-FM, the National Public Radio affiliate in San Francisco. My on-air jabs at the follies of government have no doubt infuriated many, including my editor at the station, a former Democratic congressional staffer.
"How to pay teachers what they're
worth" by
Alan Bonsteel, M.D. Orange County Register, February
6, 2000
Governor Davis recently announced his
belief that California taxpayers
would never be willing to pay enough in taxes to permit
market-level salaries for our teachers. (7.33 kb)
"The Myth of Fiscal Accountability
at Public Schools"
Carl Brodt California Political Review, January/February
SINCE THE School Voucher initiative in 1993,
apologists for the disastrous status quo in
California's K-12 education have
argued that issuing state-funded scholarships
to children trapped in bad
public schools would not meet basic standards of fiscal
accountability. (109 kb)
"A view of education spending" by
Lance Izumi, California Journal, December 1999,
vol. XXX, Number 12.
Open up the newspaper and it seems that every education
article contain! some obligatory comment about how California
isn't spending enough on schools. For example, when Governor
Gray Davis signed the state budget, the San Francisco Chronicle
reported that, "Although the amount spent per pupil will
rise by $274 to $6,025, state spending remains far lower
than the national average of $7,583 in the 1999-2000 school
year." (6.40 kb)
"California public school spending hits record high"
Alan Bonsteel, M.D. Stockton Record, November 20,
Last June, Californians were shocked to discover that
the "official" California Department of Education dropout
rates were phony, and that 10 times as many students were
dropping out of high school as the CDE admitted to about
one-third of our children, in fact.
(149 kb)
White Paper:
A Short Primer on Per Student Spending in California
Lance Izumi, Carl Brodt, CMA, and Alan Bonsteel Pacific Research
Institute, November 18, 1999
One of the most contentious issues
in education is the debate over
per-pupil spending. (41.5 kb)
Education Revolt in
Drew Carey Video